27 May 2024 | News

Investing in Women Announce Strategic Partnership with Kopernik to Advance Women’s Economic Empowerment in Indonesia

Investing in Women is teaming up with Kopernik to collect and deploy evidence of gender-equal sharing of roles in Indonesian homes to broaden public support for women’s economic empowerment.

Kopernik is a research and development (R&D) lab for social and environmental challenges, registered in Indonesia as a non-profit foundation. Striving for collective impact, Kopernik engages partners from the development, public, and private sectors to advance products, services, and approaches that support underserved communities, as well as collaborating with creative actors in advocating for social and environmental issues.


In this photo: Kopernik team presented in the Investing in Women workshop activity.

In this photo: Kopernik team presented in the Investing in Women workshop activity.


With support from IW, Kopernik will lead on an initiative called ‘’GenSet”, short for Generasi Setara (Equal Generation), which seeks to address challenges faced by women and girls related to economic and caregiving gender norms. Also used as a slang phrase for a generator set, the term “GenSet” serves as an effective metaphor for the team’s objective, which is to generate change towards gender equality by leveraging the change that is already happening.

“GenSet” aims to encourage more positive attitudes, perceptions, and behaviour towards equality by amplifying conversations that promote gender equality and inclusivity. Kopernik will bring together a Community of Practice (CoP) of influential actors and key opinion leaders from diverse backgrounds, who will expose broad audiences to evidence of positive gender norms. By showcasing the diversity within the CoP, Kopernik aims to present a range of inspiring and motivating stories which can inspire early adopters to translate gender-equal attitudes into behaviour, and to advocate for broader change.

Investing in Women supports locally driven campaigns in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam that highlight positive examples of gender equality to strengthen public support for women’s economic participation. Through fostering a community of gender equality advocates, IW will continuously build evidence that supports the broader adoption of progressive attitudes and behaviours.

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