Knowledge Hub

Investing in Women’s Knowledge Hub is a repository of quality resources, accessible to all users, that can inform effective approaches to women’s economic empowerment.

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ADB Gender Mainstreaming

Fact Sheet

Applying the Asian Development Bank’s Approach to Gender Mainstreaming in Private Sector
Gender mainstreaming is the process of assessing how a project or policy might affect women and men differently, and then taking steps to address any potential disparities. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has developed a comprehensive approach to gender mainstreaming that takes into account the unique realities of the region. This tip sheet explains the design features and potential gender measures in private sector projects, as well as the business case for gender quality.
JEDI Investing

Tool Kit

JEDI Investing Toolkit
The JEDI Investing Toolkit is designed for investors who want to apply a justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) lens to their processes and portfolios. The toolkit provides a framework for JEDI-informed investment decision-making, as well as tools and resources to help implement JEDI principles in practice.
University Of Zurich

Blended Finance: When to use which instrument?
Blended finance is a critical tool for both public and philanthropic capital to maximise environmental and social impact. With growing interest in blended finance, diverse and innovative tools are emerging. However, guidance on which instrument to use in which context has not followed the same pace.
Obstacles Vietnamese Women Entrepreneurs 1 1


Gender-related Obstacles to Vietnamese Women Entrepreneurs
The Gender Related Obstacles to Vietnamese Women Entrepreneurs report analyses the traditional, regulatory, and internal gender-based obstacles that influence Vietnamese women entrepreneurs in starting and running their businesses and provides policy implications for promoting women’s entrepreneurship and gender equality in Vietnam.
Womens Entrepreneurship Vietnam


Women’s Entrepreneurship Development in Vietnam
The Women’s Entrepreneurship Development in Vietnam report from the Vietnam Women Entrepreneurs Council provides a detailed analysis of the roles, constraints, obstacles, opportunities and development of women entrepreneurs in Vietnam.
Impact Investor

Gender Equality and Women’s Issues in Vietnam: The Vietnamese Woman — Warrior and Poet
The Gender Equality and Women’s Issues in Vietnam: The Vietnamese Woman-Warrior and Poet article provides a detailed analysis of “Vietnamese feminism”, and explores the concept of a positive collective identity of Vietnamese women – something with which all Vietnamese women can identify regardless of locale, generation, or ideology.