11 August 2021 | Media Coverage

IMMAP launches award to promote gender equality in advertising

The Purple Boomerang, presented in cooperation with Investing in Women (IW), an initiative of the Australian Government, will be awarded to brand campaigns that address stereotypes that limit women’s economic participation.


In 2018, IW surveyed 1,000 women and 1,000 men aged 18-40 in the Philippines. Of the women surveyed, 58% identified economic independence as their main reason for working. Half of the men and a third of the women also said they share chores at home equally with spouses.

“Advertising plays an important role in shaping public discourse and perceptions. Yet we know that there is a tendency for one-dimensional gender portrayals in ads—where women are shown as the homemakers and men the breadwinners,” said IW CEO Dr. Julia Newton-Howes.

“For brands to remain relevant, they need to consider the changes in the way consumers live their lives,” added Dr. Newton-Howes. “This includes thinking through how women and men are increasingly sharing roles in the economy and at home, especially during COVID-19.”

Read the full story on Rappler.

(2021, August 9) IMMAP launches award to promote gender equality in advertising. Rappler. Retrieved from https://www.rappler.com/brandrap/announcements/immap-purple-boomerang-gender-equality-award

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