Leading to Success: The business case for women in business and management in Viet Nam
Viet Nam is facing several challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Early on in 2020 the government introduced measures to reduce the risk of transmission including locking down of affected areas, restricting travel and banning mass gatherings. These measures have reduced domestic demand, altered work arrangements, and disrupted supply chains, among others. As a result, economic growth has declined, particularly in key sectors including tourism, manufacturing, retail and sales, and services.
In Viet Nam, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been gendered. Women are over-represented in temporary or part-time employment, and therefore are more at risk of losing their jobs compared to men. Women also comprise the majority of employees in the services sector, which has been particularly hit by restrictions to curb the spread of the virus. While this crisis has highlighted the importance of flexible work arrangements and telework, it has also exacerbated women’s double burden in balancing family and work responsibilities.
This country brief also highlights findings relevant to Viet Nam and Asia and the Pacific from the International Labour Organization (ILO) report Women in Business and Management (WIBM): The Business Case for Change. These findings are complemented by ILO and Investing in Women (IW) research. The WIBM research examined how gender diversity at decision making levels of business improves organisational performance and increases profitability.
- Introduction and overview of Viet Nam
- The business case for advancing women in business and management
- Gender diversity initiatives enhance business outcomes
- Attracting and retaining skilled staff is challenging
- Female talent pool is increasing
- Gender diversity in business and management
- Women in management
- Women CEOs
- Women’s representation and leadership on boards of directors
- Transforming the wider business environment
- Shaping a gender inclusive organisational culture
- Promoting flexible work arrangements
- Reducing the gender pay gap
- Implementing effective enterprise policies and measures
- Conclusion
This research brief is also available in Vietnamese. You may also download the research brief, Leading to success: The business case for women in business and management in Indonesia and Leading to success: The business case for women in business and management in the Philippines.